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【!】You will be ill-advised to demand praise for what does not deserve it, and abuse those who do not give it 假如你们要求得到不配得到的表扬,并且诋毁那些不表扬你们的人,这是不明智的

【!】When you were garrulous and talked to hear yourselves talk, we listened as if it mattered 当你们喋喋不休、自说自话时,我们耐心聆听,仿佛你们说的内容事关重大。

【!】Despite your fantasies, it was not even that we wanted to be liked by you. It was that we did not want to be bothered, and the easy way out was pretense: smiles and easy Bs 不论你们如何想入非非,我们这样做并非是想要讨你们的欢心。我们只是不想被你们打扰罢了,而最简单的方法就是假装:微笑,然后让你们都轻轻松松地得个B。

It has failed you by being easy, free, forgiving, attentive, comfortable, interesting, unchallenging fun. 大学成了一个轻松、自由、宽容、体贴、舒适、有趣、毫无挑战的好玩的地方,因此它辜负了你们。

I mean, when they give you what you want but have not earned, don’t abuse them, insult them, act out with them your parlous relationships with your parents. 我的意思是,当他们给予了你们想要但不应得的东西时,不要侮辱他们,不要在他们身上重演你们和父母之间那种糟糕的关系。

When the going gets tough, the tough have to get down to work 当学 习变 得紧张 时,那些 本就用功的学生 也只能更加努力地学 习

To me, living in a crowded triple room, having a one-day reading period before finals, tons of reading, papers, and midterms due the same week are not exactly my idea of “easy, free, forgiving, attentive, comfortable, interesting, unchallenging fun.” 对我来说,住在一个拥挤的三人间,在期末考试前有一天的阅读时间,大量的阅读、论文,以及同一周要交的期中考试,都不是我心目中的 "轻松、自由、宽容、细心、舒适、有趣、没有挑战的乐趣"。


United Shore, a mortgage company in Michigan, has its own in-office escape room full of puzzles and ready for team-building exercises. United Shore是位于密歇根州的一家抵押贷款公司,它的办公室里就有自己充满谜题的密室逃生游戏室,用于团队建设练习。

Even policies like unlimited vacation days, popularized by companies like Netflix, don’t actually lead to a more relaxed, sun-kissed workforce 就连由网飞之类的公司所推广的无限假期之类的政策也没能使员工们更放松或沐浴更多阳光。

Fewer people have been more vocal opponents of this 24 / 7 work culture than Dan Lyons, a former journalist who left the newsroom to work at start-ups in the mid-2000s. 对这种全天候连轴转的工作文化,丹·莱昂斯最为旗帜鲜明地表达反对观点

【!】Lyons believes these new-age corporate practices, along with perks like free snacks or beer on tap, are simply a misdirection from something rotten at the core 莱昂斯认为,新世纪的公司的这些做法——连同免费小食或桶装啤酒之类的特殊优待——只不过是诱导人们不去注意坏到根子里的某些事情。

【!】A number of Away’s employees described abusive messages from the CEO, being asked to work through vacations, and a culture of bullying — once considered normal, now considered unacceptable. 公司的许多职员声称收到过来自首席执行官的辱骂性信息 ,要求他们整个假期都工作。他们形容 了一种 恃强凌弱 的文化——这种文化曾经被认为是正常的, 现在则不可接受


Simply the aim of doing what is best for yourself, taking as a given what others around you are doing 简而言之,(纳什策略)就是一切行为以对自己最有利为目的,并且理所当然地认为周围其他人也是这么做的。

The beauty of Nash equilibrium is precisely that it shows how acting rationally from an individual's point of view can lead to collectively undesirable (or even disastrous) outcomes. 纳什平衡的妙处恰恰在于它表明了从个人角度出发理性行事是如何导致集体性的不良(甚至灾难性)后果的。

The police have no evidence but decide to take both burglars to separate rooms and give them the chance to confess to their crime. 警察并没有证据,但决定将两个窃贼分别带到两个单独的房间,给他们机会坦白

Put yourself in the burglars' position when they decide whether to confess or not. 假设你处于这两个窃贼的境地,你 来决定是否认罪。

Since both burglars reason in the same way, they will both end up confessing, which leads to the Nash equilibrium

由于两个窃贼以相同的方式推理, 因此他们最终都会认 罪,这就导致了纳什平衡:

Both of them would in fact be better off if they agreed not to confess, but their personal temptations make this agreement infeasible

如果他们商定都不认罪,实际上两个人的结果都会更好,但是自身利益的诱惑 使这 样的协定变得不可行

【!】Examples are everywhere, and sometimes they entail inefficiencies that are extremely frustrating to economists.

这样的例子随 处可见,有时这样的行为带来的低效率令经济 学家 极为沮丧。


At 5:30 the following morning, I’m on the only spectator boat allowed out at the competition, which is held in the deep open waters about 10 miles from the shore


Three agonizing minutes later, his tiny figure appears in the deep water, like a headlight cutting through fog 在令人焦灼的三分钟之后,他小小的身影浮现在深海之中,如同一盏车前灯刺破迷雾

The ocean’s liver, stomach, blood, bones, brain and heart — what’s in it, how it works, how we humans function in it — remains an unsolved mystery, much of it still buried in the darkness of the unlit

海洋的肝脏、胃、血液、骨骼、大脑和心脏——海洋里有些什么,它是如何运作的,我们人类在其中是如何运作的 (发挥什么作用???)——依然是个未解之谜,海洋的大部分隐藏在黑暗无光的世界里。



I stand amid a jaggged series of peaks, enveloped in a haze that tinges both the rocks and the sky with an unusual shade of mars.


I might indeed be tricked into believing I am on another planet altogether, were it not for the strip of road that wides through the center of the valley and reminds me that others have traced their way into the depths of this place before me


Over the millennia, as kindoms rose and collapsed and conquerors redrew broad areas of what is now Central Asia,the Middle East and Southern Europe,the route swerved and shimmied


空洞的目光和随之而来的恐怖表情从她的眼中消失了。 The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes.

Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaed every inch of her body.
