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1 Prelude

8 great ideas

  • Design for Moore’s Law (设计紧跟摩尔定律)
  • Use Abstraction to Simplify Design (采用抽象简化设计)
  • Make the Common Case Fast (加速大概率事件)
  • Performance via Parallelism (通过并行提高性能)
  • Performance via Pipelining (通过流水线提高性能)
  • Performance via Prediction (通过预测提高性能)
  • Hierarchy of Memories (存储器层次)


Clocks per instruction(\(CPI\))

\[ \text{CPU time}=\frac{n_{\text{instruction}}\times CPI}{f_{\text{Clock}}} (s) \]

时钟频率\(f_{\text{Clock}}\)单位是GHz \(1\text{ GHz}=10^9 \text{ s}^{-1}\)

Circuit cost

  • Wafer:
  • Die: 一个硅片会被切成很多小块
  • Yield: 良率 dies中能用的比例

\(\text{Cost per die}=\frac{\text{Cost per wafer}}{\text{Dies per wafer}\times \text{Yield}}\)

  • 面积增大,良率降低
