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  • 注意\(\color{red}有向图的重边必须方向相同\).如果有(a,b)(b,a)这种还是算simple directed graph
  • directed multigraph可以有自环,但Multigraph没有自环
  • 没有重边,有自环就叫directed graph


\(e=(u,v)\in E\) , then \(u\) and \(v\) are adjacent. \(e\) is incident with u and v.

Undirected graph

degree \(\deg(v)\), number of edges connected to v 自环算两次

  • \(\deg(v)=0\), v is isolated
  • \(\deg(v)=1\), v is pendant

\(\sum_{v \in V}\deg(v)=2|E|\)

Directed graph

in degree \(\deg^-(v)\). out degree \(\deg^+(v)\)

underlying undirected graph(把边都变成无向的)

Special graphs

complete graph: \(K_n\) (完全图) \(\color{red}{注意和C_n}区分开来\)

cycle: \(C_n\)

wheel: \(W_n\) 有n+1个点!


n-cubes: \(Q_n\) Two vertices are adjacent if and only if the bit strings that they represent differ in exactly one bit position

\(\deg (v)=2^{n-1}-1\)


bipartite graph(二分图)

complete bipartite graph \(K_{m,n}\). 两边各m,n个,两两相连


A simple graph is bipartite if and only if it is possible to assign one of two different colors to each vertex of the graph so that no two adjacent vertices are assigned the same color.




  • subgraph \(W\subseteq V,F\subseteq E\)

  • spanning subgraph: \(W=V,F\subseteq E\)

how many subgraphs with at least 1 vertex does \(W_3\) have

  • 1 vertex: 4
  • 2 vertex: 2C(4,2)
  • 3 vertex: \(2^3C(4,3)\) (三条边任选)
  • 4 vertex: \(2^6C(4,4)\)


Representing Graphs

Graph representation

adjacent matrix(重边对应重数)

adjacent list

incidence matrix \(M_{n \times m},m_{ij}=(e_j \text{ is incident with }v_i )\)


Isomorphic (同构)

It is difficult to determine two graphs are isomorphic.(NP problem,but not NP-complete). 但是可以找一些不变的特征(invariants)判断两个图不同构

  • 点数\边数
  • 度数
  • bipartite 不变
  • complete 不变
  • wheel 不变


Show that every connected graph with n vertices has at least n − 1 edges


A path or circuit is simple if it does not contain the same edge more than once

Counting paths

the number of different path of length r from i to j:\((M^r)_{i,j}\). where M is the adjacency matrix

\(b_{ij}=\sum_{k=1}^n a_{ik}a_{kj}\)

Undirected graphs

An undirected graph is called connected if there is a path between every pair of distinct vertices of the graph

  • connected components

  • cut vertices

  • cut edge(bridge)

Directed graphs

strongly connected: if there is a path from a to b and from b to a for all pairs (a,b)

weakly connected: the underlying graph is connected

Paths and Isomorphism

some other invariants

  • number and size of connected components
  • length of path and circuits

Euler and Hamilton Paths

Euler Graph

Hamilton Graph

sufficient condition:Ore's Theorem



V:seven examinations E:(u,v) u,v are examinations are not in charged by the same teacher. If there is a H path,than it is possible

because the teacher at most 4 exminations \(\deg (v)\geq 3\). the sum of the degrees of a pair vertices is at least 6

However, Ore's theorem requires \(\deg u+\deg v \geq 7\). We add a new vertex \(t\) and connect it to all other vertices in the original graph. In the new graph \(\deg u+\deg v \geq 8\). From Ore's theorem, there is a Hamilton Circuit. We remove \(t\) from the circuit, and the remaining is a Hamilton path of the original graph.(因为哈密顿回路中新加的边只有到t和离开t的两条,否则就会重复经过t)

the Hamiltonian path problem for graph G can be related to the Hamiltonian cycle problem in a graph H obtained from G by adding a new universal vertex x, connecting x to all vertices of G

necessary condition

There are at most two vertices which degree are less than 2.

\(\forall S \subset V\), the number of connected components in \(G-S\) is \(\leq |S|\)


因为有哈密顿环路,我们从环路上去掉S中的结点,就把环分成了若干段,每段都是连通的。如去掉1个节点,剩下n-1个构成1个连通分量。去掉2个节点,环至多分成2段(这两段可能有其他边连通... 8eee5daebea3a32cf226677c8edc38e7.png

去掉1个出现2个 去掉5个出现6个连通块,所以这两个都没有哈密顿回路

Shortest Path

Planar Graph

drawn in the plane without any edges crossing

\(K_4\) is planar (画成三角形,有一个点在中间)

\(K_{3,3}\) is not planar Proof:




Euler's Theorem

\(G\): \(\color{red}\text{connected}\) planar simple graph. \(r\)

\[ > \boxed{r=e-v+2} > \]

Proof: We will prove the theorem by constructing a sequence of subgraphs G1, G2,...,G, successively adding an edge at each stage. Use Induction

\(n=1\), \(v_1=2,e_1=1,r_1=1\)(整个平面是一个区域)

Assume that \(r_k=e_k-v_k+2\), we add a new edge \((a_{k+1},b_{k+1})\)

  • if \(a_{k+1},b_{k+1}\) are in \(G_k\), then \(v_{k+1}=v_k,e_{k+1}=e_k+1,r_{k+1}=r_k+1\)

  • if \(a_{k+1}\) or \(b_{k+1}\) are not in \(G_k\), then \(r_{k+1}=r_k\). 相当于边缘上伸出一条边,不会分开区域。\(e_{k+1}=e_k+1,v_{k+1}=v_k+1\)

推论 \(G\): \(\color{red}\text{unconnected}\) planar simple graph, with \(m\) connected components \(r=e-v+m+1\)

\(r=\sum_{i=1}^m(e_i-v_i+2)-(m-1)=e-v+m+1\) (对每一个连通块用欧拉定理,最外面的平面区域被重复算了m次)


Degree of Regions and Graph Inequalities

the degree of a region, which is defined to be the number of edges on the boundary of this region.(绕着边界走一圈经过的边数,一条边可能会被算两次)



Lemma: A connected planar simple graph with \(v \geq 3\),the degree of each region is at least 3.

自环,\(\deg r=1\). 重边\(\deg r=2\). 但是这是简单图,所以没有这两种情况。\(v \geq 3\)排除了只有一条边(deg=2)的情况

Theorem: If G is a connected planar simple graph with \(v \geq 3\), then \(\boxed{e \leq 3v-6}\)

\(2e=\sum \deg(r_i) \geq 3r\) (From Lemma)

\(r=e+v-2\)代入,得到\(e \leq 3v-6\)

etc \(K_5,e=10,v=5\) is not planar

If G is a connected planar simple graph, then G has at least one vertex of degree not exceeding five.

suppose that \(\deg v \geq 6\). \(2e=\sum_{i=1}^v \deg v_i \geq 6v\). but \(e \leq 3v-6\), \(2e \leq 6v-12\)

If a connected planar simple graph has e edges and v vertices with v ≥ 3 and no circuits of length three, then \(e \leq 2v − 4\)

no circuits of length three implies that \(\deg r_i\geq 4\).

\(2e =\sum_{i=1}^r\deg r_i \geq 4r=4(e-v+2)\)

etc. \(K_{3,3},e=9,v=6\) not planar

Kuratowski’s Theorem

A graph is nonplanar if and only if it contains a subgraph homeomorphic to \(K_{3,3}\)or \(K_5\)

难点是:如何删除节点和边,看出\(K_{3,3}\)or \(K_5\)

例1 cf4a200b299c20fe932f40898ac461f7.png




Graph Coloring

dual graph of planar graph

  • each region is represented by a vertex

The chromatic number of a graph \(\chi(G)\): the least number of colors needed for coloring


Example: prove that G is planar, \(\chi(G)\leq 6\)


G is planar, \(\chi(G)\leq 4\)(四色定理)


\(\chi(C_n)=\begin{cases} 2,n=2k\\3,n=2k+1\end{cases}\)

\(\chi(G)=2,G\) is bipartite.
