Counting Trees
Counting nonisomorphic unrooted tree
- 枚举最长链 (跟数异构体的思路有点像
etc.n=5: 3 trees
Counting nonisomorphic rooted tree
- 在无根树的基础上选
Properties of Trees
- internal vertices(have children)
- leafs(no children)
- m-ary trees: every internavertex at most m children
- Full m-ary trees: every internal vertex m children
- Complete m-ary trees: full m-ary tree that all leaves have the same level
full m-ary trees只要求每个结点有m个或0个孩子,所以叶子可以在各种深度,比如哈夫曼树. 但是balance 必须在h或h-1
A full m-ary tree with i internal vertices contains \(\boxed{n=mi+1}\) vertices
Proof: 除了根,每个结点的父亲都是internal vertices
- Level: the length of paths from root to the vertex.(从0开始)
- Height: maximum level(从0开始)
- Balanced tree: all leaves are at levels \(\color{blue}h\) or \(\color{blue}h-1\)
There are at most \(m^h\) leaves in an m-ary tree of height h
Proof: 归纳. 高度h+1的树有最多m个高度h的子树
推论\(\boxed{h \geq \lceil \log_ml \rceil}\)
There are at least \(m^{h-1}\) leaves in a full and balanced m-ary tree of height h
因为balanced,所以h-1层往上一定是complete m-ary tree,有\(m^{h-1}\)个叶子节点. 往\(h\)层添加叶子时,每去掉h-1层的1个叶子,就会增加1个或2个叶子,所以叶子节点数量\(\geq m^{h-1}\)
推论:a full and balanced m-ary tree, \(h=\lceil \log_ml \rceil\)
Tree traversal
preorder traversal, inorder traversal, and postorder traversal 对应前、中、后序
reconstruct tree.
- 根据前序和每个结点儿子个数? 无法确定只有一个结点在左/右
prefix(Polish),infix,postfix(Inverse Polish) notation 注意infix必须有括号.
表达式求值: prefix 从后往前, postfix从前往后,将数字放到栈里,每遇到操作符就取出最上面两个 根据表达式画出树: 如果是postfix也是用栈的思路从前往后,自底向上建树
Spanning Tree
Mininum Spanning Tree:
- Prim: 每次从与当前生成树T相邻的边里面选一条长度最小,且不成环的
- Kruskal
binary search tree
Huffman Tree